Egads, it happened again! Through crimes against the laws of physics so horrible I fear divulging them, I was taken to the future over the Christmas holidays to witness the world as it is at the end of 2020! And it is a terrible, chaotic, unnatural, exciting, and bewilderingly horny place. So I now feel it my duty to warn you all of what is coming in the awesome monstrosity yet spontaneous hellfire that is the coming year: January –Donald Trump’s impeachment moves to the Senate where he insists on testifying personally, during the process of which he strangles three witnesses, foams at the mouth, moons the Democratic caucus, and orders a North Korean investigation into Bernie Sanders from the witness stand. Mitch McConnell acquits him of all charges. February –In lieu of being denied Oscar consideration, the Academy strikes a deal with Tom Hooper allowing the cats of Cats to host the 92 nd Academy Awards. They prance, twirl, and gyrate on stage for three hou...
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