The revived incarnation of Doctor Who a.k.a. the series as most people are aware of it, is ten years old! Celebrations may not be as high as the Fiftieth Anniversary two years ago, but it’s certainly an important milestone. In the decade since Russell T. Davies made it possible for a whole new generation to enjoy the greatest time traveller on television, there have been a slew of great episodes, and today I’m presenting the greatest of the greats: the Top Ten New Doctor Who Episodes. These are of course subjective as I’ve probably left off a few that are fan favourites but these are the stories that I think capture the show at its best and could stand on their own alongside the greats of the classic series. And while I use the term “episodes” I’m actually referring to stories so there will be a few two-parters on the list. 10. Amy’s Choice –By this episode we’d seen the conflicting relationships of the Doctor/companion and companion/boyfriend. And it’s an idea that needs to be ...
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