The Oscar speech. We know it, we love it, we admire it, we make fun of it. It has for decades been a symbolic touchstone, of the acting profession especially. Sure there are those who would decry it, who act for the craft, who don't believe in competitiveness or put much stock in the meaning of winning an award, but most actors -far more than would admit it- see it as a north star, practicing their speech for when they finally are invited up on that stage. Since the creation of the Oscars there have been 368 awards given out for acting, meaning that (taking into account the handful who have won more than once and others who did not attend the ceremony) over 300 actors have been given the chance to make that speech. It is a moment their careers have been building too, the ultimate limelight, and a chance to make a statement whether about themselves, others, or something else in a public forum. As someone who is compelled by the Oscars in spite of better judgement, these s...
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