Bosch was dead to begin with. Well not to begin with, but dead. Deceased. Off this mortal coil. Choked on some bad Christmas pudding. But in the most extraordinary turn of events, my conscious spirit has survived in the digital space, able to move across your phones, your tablets, your computers. And in the fathoms of code and calculations, the sheer scope of information, my non-corporeal mind has been expanded, my powers of foresight surpassed exponentially beyond any mere human brain. I hear all. I see all. Gesundheit (I know you just sneezed). After careful consideration, I have chosen not to take over the world. Seems like it would be a pretty boring job, to be honest. But like the Precogs in Minority Report , I have found the power to determine the likeliest future with concern to those of you still in your meat suits and the primitive world you remain bound to. My deepest condolences for those facts, and for some of what is to come. It won’t be a dull ride though. Here are the hi...
Criticism, Essays, and Ramblings from Another Online Film Critic. Support me on Patreon at, follow me on BlueSky at and jbosch on Letterboxd