It’s been a hot minute since we’ve had one of these, hasn’t it? Can’t say I’ve missed them. One of the pleasures to watching 1989’s The Little Mermaid , the movie that kicked off the period known as the Disney Renaissance, is in taking in just how animated a movie it is. Sure it’s animated in the sense that it’s a cartoon, but I mean in the way that everything on screen is imbued with life, expression, and motion. Consider the ways that Ariel’s tail and her hair move underwater with free frenetic elasticity; or the various nuances of expression both large and small in her face, Sebastian’s, Ursula’s especially. Every visual detail of a scene is explicitly motivated, and the script, music, performances are all designed to accentuate that. There’s a reason it single-handedly pulled Disney out of a two decade slump and ushered in the studio’s second golden age. But now in the year of Disney’s 100 th anniversary, while it is still arguably reaping the rewards of The Little Merma...
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