So after last month watching and greatly disappointing the fans of Sophie’s Choice , here I am back again in 1982 for what was probably that films’ greatest awards competitor, Richard Attenborough’s Gandhi . Gandhi is of course quite a different movie to Sophie’s Choice , yet it is just as much a standard sort of Oscar bait-y film: the biographic epic. It’s easy to attach cynicism to the movie then, but it was also very much a labour of love. Attenborough had been trying to get it made for some twenty years, only for it to repeatedly be set back by numerous production and political factors. But he was finally able to bring the project to fruition thanks in large part to generous financing from the National Film Development Corporation of India. That detail is not insignificant, and though it resulted in the movie being made and at an epic scale befitting the legacy of Mahatma Gandhi, it also obviously raises questions about conflicts of interest. Gandhi is after all arguabl...
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