In 1975, after its enormous success, Steven Spielberg was approached about directing a sequel to Jaws , and he utterly refused. Various reasons seem to have included the hectic production of the first movie, a genuine belief that there was no more story to tell, and even a little pomposity regarding the very idea of sequels. Jaws 2 was made without him, as were the subsequent two movies, each progressively worse than the last. In 1982, he firmly put his foot down on a sequel to E.T. as well, feeling it would cheapen the original. And he really only made the two Indiana Jones follow-ups because he was pressured into them from the beginning by George Lucas. But by the mid-1990’s, his mind appeared to be changed towards the idea, having been announced as director of The Lost World , the sequel to Jurassic Park , based on the equivalent sequel novel by Michael Crichton. It’s also worth noting that The Lost World was Spielberg’s first movie in a four-year hiatus af...
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