This is a flashback to a piece I wrote last year, when it was announced Power Laces were being developed: We're only six months away society! Hurry up dammit! So Power Laces are gonna be a thing! And they’re gonna be a thing next year! That’s good of you Nike, great job but it may be a little late. The rest of the world is still frightfully behind. In case you’re under the impression I have some kind of inside knowledge of the inner workings of the international footwear industry, you’d be right but that’s not important. What is important is that Nike is putting us one step (get it!) closer to the excellent world of the future depicted in Back to the Future Part II . Robert Zemeckis’ 1989 sequel to the greatest time travel movie of all time saw Marty McFly and Doc Brown travel to the futuristic world of 201...
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